into this large space,

Like a letter in bottle from an isolated island or a bonfire in a jungle at night
I emit a grand design of society and redefinition of human beings
drawn to make tomorrow a little brighter
with neo capitalism that does not overlook the expansion of inequality and poverty and part time workers
with true democracy that does not let freedom and equality privilege of the strong of society
in a world where something can shift little by little and apt to be lost in the darkness full of global warming hate and bullying

Haruta Kazuhiko

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This treatise has been published in Japanese version but the publication of the English version is undecided. Only a part of it is translated into English below.

Decoding of Modern SocietyAnd Solution for Democracy and Capitalism

Introduction and Abstracts

Poor people who have to live on less than $1.9 a day (i.e. starving level) were 36% of the world's population in 1990 but that number fell to 10% in 2015.

However at the same time many peaple fell to the relative poor level (those with incomes less than half of the average income of the country) under internationalization of market called “globalism” while the wealthy people accumulated more wealth by factory relocations to developing countries and a decline in tax progressiveness.

In Japan more and more people are struggling with their lives but public welfare is decreasing. Social exhaustion and disunion are spreading.

We would like to think "Little by little the world is getting better."

However China which invades the territories of other countries after economic growth by cheap labor and makes people pledge unconditional loyalty to the government is just like Japan before the World War Ⅱ.

Mr. Trump who condemned socialism neglected international cooperation tolerated discrimination against minorities and tried to retain his power by instigated his followers in the background of the difficulties of many people's lives is strangely similar to Mr. Hitler who condemned the Communists for the Capitol arson deserted the Versailles regime discriminated Jews and the Slavic people and used assault squads to eliminate political opponents.

Our world may not have progressed much since 100 years ago.

Currently people in developed countries can freely seek lives with evaluations and gratitude from others and they can appeal to the courts for equality and also express their opinions on Internet.

But how many people think that they can actually influence the society around them?

Rather many people shall be surrounded by elusive hopelessness and doubt even that they could change themselves.

Some people may laugh and say "Don't talk difficult. All we need is economical boom." It's fine if they know they're just consolating but it’s not funny when they get used to living without thinking really.

To stop thinking is to try to break the connection with the world and such isolation weakens our empathy for the world and ourselves. As Hanna Aerent pointed out people who stop thinking are easily buried in nihyrism. Your feeling of living becomes less real and you cannot find value in your life and the lives of others. Eventually you'll be acting irresponsibly short-circuited and dreamy with your friends who are made to dance to incitement and fake news.

Let’s think .

These troublesome realities are the result of the failure and conceiling which modern hisitry has accumulated and hidden in code.

Let’s break code .

You will see the grand design of the economy and the the governance system of future and what prevents the future to come.

This is a detection of modern history and a redefinition of our world in other word a thought may be called “dividualism”.

It asserts that we should advance both procedural decentralization in various phases of society and the respect for the multiversity of human recognition.

Detective stories are good entertainnment born in modern era. It’s not always interesting when the detective say to one who loooks innocent 'You killed her”. In other hand it can be interesting in the style that hint at the culprit from the beginning such as Stanly Erin's “Special Dish”.

The contents of this paper will also be introduced here in a short way.

Modern society gave a top priority to the efficiency of production and get enormouse wealth that had not been seen before by division of labor mechanization free market and unification of the nation-state.

But the more efficiency realizes the less labor becomes needed. It leads modern economics to reduction of “demand.” But the governments turn faces only to stock holders landowners and full-time employees of big corporations. The economic gap among people continues to widen.

However it is wrong to think that this is capitalism.

The essence of capitalism is not the pursuit of efficiency but the private possession of production fascilities and economic power separation.

Therefore it is also possible to build an economic system to maintain the appropriateness of distribution and long-term productivity beside the market competition.

Today governments must play a role of linking resilience and effective demand development to progress the economy.

New "big push" such as democratization of public welfare introduction of local government currency tax system reform etc. will be effective.


The characteristic of modern politics is selection of ruler among the members and also avoiding the concentration of power and maintaining the possibility of shift so that the ruler does not create a political environment that is convenient only for himself and his peers.

Our predecessors have been trying to create a system to protect the fluidity of power.

But in actual political power remains concentrated halfway. Behind the signboards of democracy not a few do not forget brewing concessions from political power. The politics with a little chance of role change will not make a government of people by people for people.

True democratic system and separation of power have not yet been realized in any country.

It’s time to finish up a fluid and open political system in which individuals can withstand the pressures of their surroundings and change their opinions freely.

"Restrictions on political parties" "electoral reform" and that on are necessary.

These phenomena have been overlooked because of the distortion of ideal conceptions which support the economy and politics of modern era.

Therefore in the last chapter of part one we analyze various ideal conceptions and principles.

The foundation of these failures is the bias in recognition of modern people.

With too much emphasis on the conclusion which can be verbalized we made the habit of disregarding that cannot be verbalized or cannot come to a conclusion immediately and invisible procedure we have to follow. And we are accustomed to using only half of our original ability.

In part two we will take a wide watch on the structure of modern people’s recognition and inquire how to rebuild our world and lives.

table of contents

  • Part1 Society
    • Chapter1 Economy  
      • Modern economy as (hi)story
      • Depression Colonialism War
      • Capitalism and Communism
      • Neoliberalism
      • Market
      • Demands
      • Resilience
      • Review of public distribution methods
      • Currency
      • Multi-currency system (PDF:205KB)
      • Government income
      • Reform of educational system
    • Chapter2 Politics  
      • Modern Politics as (hi)story
      • Separation of powers
      • Democracy (PDF:170KB)
      • Political party – gerotoharm in politics (PDF:135KB)
      • Criticism to the Cabinet System
      • Reform of administration system
      • Reform of election system
      • Reform of legal system
      • Globalism and Nationalism
    • Chapter3 Conceptions (philosophies)  
      • Conceptions as important tools
      • Classification of Conceptions
      • Restraint of evaluation
        • Bentham
        • Hegel
        • philosophies that require no evaluation
        • Passive approach
        • Meta Philosophy
  • Part2 Person
    • Chapter1 Prologue
    • Chapter2 What Are We Doing
    • Chapter3 How Are We Living 
      • Recognition (consciousness and body cognition)
      • Me and myself
      • Desire
      • Knowledge
      • Emotion
      • Scholarship
      • KATA(trainning by form)
      • Faith (PDF:111KB)
        • God (PDF:114KB)
        • Religion
  • bibliography